Are you ready for a

one stop shop to guide you on YOUR SOUL FILLED JOURNEY?


The Awakening Spirit Collective is a space where community is nurtured and we each come forward to share our unique light allowing a full sense of mind, body, and soul balance as a Collective to surface.


You have heard about spiritual work, soulful discovery or deeper connection to oneself and are ready to explore what that means for you, without the commitment of 1:1 or working with a mentor/guide.


Or maybe you are ready to begin your soulful journey and would rather explore on your own time.


Are you searching for a new way of understanding what the hell is going on or are in a hard transition period of your life and know you need something different, but are hung up on what that actually is?

No matter what brought you here right now..


This Collective brings you all the tools and resources to expand your awareness of self, open into new possibilities and dig into what might be holding you back from the life you wish to experience.

This ALL ACCESS Collective is a soulful investment of $55 per month and provides you the freedom to connect to your growth on your terms and in your Divine time. Also, we offer captioned videos within the Collective site to support you in following along throughout each sharing, being able to view each sharing no matter your circumstance/situation, and being able to adapt to all Collective members’ needs!

Energy Healing with Lisa Almquist

 Awakening Spirit Collective includes…


PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ACCESS exclusively for Awakening Spirit Collective Members

[Optional] Building a community of like souled beings that are connecting to create a secure space to freely explore all things spiritual.


Join this feature for real-time updates on email communication and content sharing.


Short videos around tips on how to navigate through life's muddy points.

Energy Healing with Lisa Almquist


Specific spiritual and/or energetic alignment practices are designed to lift and maintain vibration.


Wanderful Bodies is an online movement studio, specializing in Pilates, Yoga, and fusion classes to help you reconnect, strengthen and find balance within your human body. Alysha’s experience with movement spans over 4 decades, beginning with dance and incorporating multiple other techniques as both a means to create a sustainable, active physical body and as a foundation to more deeply know ourselves and connect with spirit. We, humans, are multi-layered. Your movement practice should be too. Within the Awakening Spirit Collective, you will receive complimentary access to your Wanderful Bodies Membership.


Heal, release and balance your energy through group sessions led by Lisa. These are voice only Zoom sessions.


Exclusive content from a spiritual, alignment and healing perspective designed to enlighten and inform while diving into your own personal exploration.


“Open table style” conversations around whatever topics members want to discuss. This is an interactive experience. Show up with your coffee, tea or whatever is your pleasure and talk about all things spiritual/energy!


Along with monthly...



Designed to enhance deeper understanding and connection.


Ongoing guidance around the current ascension, planetary, lunar and solar influences along with channelled messages to assist us to navigate with greater ease and flow. Guided/Channelled readings shared through connection with spirit guides, angels and archangels, as well as ascended masters to provide clarity around energy/or experiences that are coming forward for the collective. Through the use of oracle cards, we create a conversation around events/energies we are exploring to assist in greater understanding of the highest good for the collective.


Weekly guidance and what to energetically expect; including tips how to navigate through the energies of each week.


This is a journey; an inner quest into your identity, your truth, who you are through exploration of different archetypal energies.

This workshop is an ongoing one. You will learn what an archetype is, what qualities they hold, what they bring to the table and what the energy of each one is saying to you in your experience and navigation through relationships with yourself and in life in general.

Every month, I will pull one archetype and we will journey through.


Soul Support Sessions are specialty support for Awakening Spirit Members who are not in package work with me. This is an opportunity to speak 1:1 with a Guide/Healer on anything going on in your life and gather support, guidance, and step into greater flow in the moment.

There are two options available:
1. 15 min phone session with Lisa

2. 45 min phone/zoom session with Jess


 Your active connection to the Awakening Spirit Collective will…

Energy Healing with Lisa Almquist

open the door to exposure to new experiences, opportunities to heal and release what isn’t serving you, and awareness of how the mind, body and soul work in unity.

Lisa Almquist Logo V4 (Copy)

Take a peek

inside the



Client Testimonial

  • Lisa’s Awakening Spirit Membership has been a heartfelt, illuminating experience. The Membership is welcoming and creates a safe community which is really important to me. This allows me to open to a higher level of healing energies and love. Lisa’s authenticity is undeniable and her spirit shines brightly in a gentle yet direct and candid way giving me the opportunity to acknowledge my life’s challenges and concerns and lift them, love them, and release them to align and ground myself at a higher level in my own authentic way. I am grateful for the Spiritual Practices which are presented with depth and connection leaving me to go deeper in practices I already know and learning new skills, all at my own pace. Her Intuitive Readings and Energy Updates have guided me to better understand what is “me and mine” and what is the collective. Lisa is right there practicing with me, helping me to help myself and celebrate my successes. Her connection to the Divine is clearly evident and she shares it with openness and love.

    My biggest 'Aha' moment (though there have been many) came when Lisa's Conscious Coffee (04/15/21) brought together all participants so intricately and so beautifully it cast aside any doubts I had about my path. We built upon our shared experiences and a sort of story unfolded, illuminated in clarity by individual, intuitive card readings. This experience has encouraged me to continue to work on self-doubt and to know that my path is what I make of it for my path is not in front of me, behind me, or beneath me, it is me.

  • This membership is incredible. Filled with amazing insights, practical knowledge and beautiful spiritual practices. Lisa is a gifted and genuine conduit. She presents spiritual information in ways that are both easy to understand and integrate. She speaks the truth with kindness and compassion. Even when the work is hard, I always feel supported. I am beyond grateful to have had the chance to work with her.

I always say “everyone needs a Lisa!” (Copy)
Energy Healing with Lisa Almquist

I see you. 
I am you. 
You are welcome here no matter where you are on your journey. 


You are incredibly worthy. 

I invite you to take this step and say yes to you, so that you can fully embrace the truth of who you are and experience a life filled with deep connection, increased awareness and empowered choice.


Take the opportunity to join a community, increasing your soulful connections with others.

Join the Collective for $55/month Today!

Energy Healing with Lisa Almquist